Vallabhesh saved from Thieves.
Namdharak, - 'Please tell me the next birth (incarnation) of Shripad Shrivallabha'.
Shri Siddha- 'Shripad Shrivallabha had many incarnations. All possessed the omnipotence jof Shri Narayan. Devotion of Shri Guru i;s never futile. Shri Guru never disappoints his disciples. Therefore serve him from your heart. I shall narrate to you one tale as an illustration.
Vallabhesh, a righteous Brahmin, was doing business. He used to go to Shripad Shrivallabha Padukas at Kuravpur every year. Once he declared that if he made good business he would feed 1000 Brahmins at Kuravpur. j Fortunately he earned good profit. He always recited kShri Guru's name. He started for Kuravpur with good money.
Knowing this, some thieves also accompanied him. After two or three days, one night the thieve killed the Brahmin when he was asleep and wanted to take away all his money. In the meantime Shripad Shrivallabha, with locks of hair on his head and trishul and Khatwang jin his hands appeared on the scene. He killed three thieves; but one, who surrendered himself saying, 'I am innocent. I did not know that these three persons would kill the Brahmin. You are omniscient. Kindly save me'.
Hearing his prayer, Shripad Muni told him to rub the "Vibhuti" (enchanted ashes) all over the body of the Brahminb, As soon as the enchanted Vibhutu was applied to the Brahmin's body, he woke up It was dawn when Shripad Muni disappeared from the place.
Vallabhesh asked the person sitting by his side, 'why have you held me; Who has killed these men?'
The person replied, ' A great ascetic had come here. He killed these thieves with his Trishul. He saved me for you. He asked me to rub enhanted Vibhuti to your body. He woke you and made you sit by his hands. He has just disappeared. He might be the great god Shri Shiva.
Hearing this the Brahmin realised that all this has been done by Shri Guru Shripad Shrivallabh. Taking the amount from the thieves, he went to Kuravpur. He worshipped the Padukas (foot symbol) of Shri Guru with great devotion and fed about 4000 Brahmins.
'Oh! Namdharak, though Shripad Shrivallabha has disappeared he still comes to protect his devotees'.
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