In the previous post you read,a brahamni(Brahmin's wife) was living at shirol.She had no children.Although she got issues but all died.Some brahmins told her that you borrowed money from a brahmin in previous birth.He asked you to pay the money many times and at last he committed suicide.His spirit doesn't allow you to have issues.At this brahmani asked brahmin, Please suggest a means to relieve from spirit trouble.He suggested her to go near krishna and perform rituals as well as to worship audumbar and shri guru.Brahmin's spirit came in his dream and began to thrash her.Shri guru protected her and blessed the spirit and brahmani too.Shri guru blessed her and said you will have daughters and sons.She got two sons. One of them died,People demanded his coarpse for funeral but she denied to give and told them to burn her too with his son.In the mean time a saint came there and advised her.Now enjoy the next post.To read the previous posts,Click the links below: