Greatness of Shri Guru
Siddha- I was in a swoon of delusion. But your question has given rise to the Sun of knowledge. Shri Guru's life is like Kamdhenu. Shri Guru lived secretly at Arogya Bhavani near Vajnath. I was with him this time. A Brahmin came to Shri Guru, praised him and said humbly, 'I am doing penance, but my mind has not become still. I am greatly appeased to see you, kindly tell me means to attain knowledge and liberate me.'
The Brahmin further said, ' Gurudeo, I had a Guru, He used harsh words and asked me to do undesirable service. He did not teach me logic, grammer, bhashya etc. He said that my mind is not still, so I left him in anger.'
Shri Guru-'You are a fool, harming yourself and treacherous to Guru. You speak ill of Guru, how can you have knowledge? Why did you come to me leaving Guru, who is a Kamdhenu. By pleasing the Guru by service and giving respect to him one can know Vedas, Shastras and eight Siddhis (a boon to do particular miracles).'
The Brahmin placed his head on the feet of Shriguru and asked, `gurudeo, kindly tell me who is a Guru and how to serve him?'
Shri Guru- Mother and father are Gurus. Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswhar are Gurus. One serve his Guru with devotion. I narrate to you a tale in this connection.
Dhoumyarishi lived at Dhwarawati. He had three disciples; Aruni, Baid and Upmanyu. In former times, the Guru tested his disciples before giving knowledge to them. Dhoumys said to Aruni, `go to my field and fill it with canal water.' Aruni went to the field. The canal water was flowing with great force. Paddy was sown in the field which was on higher land than the level of the water. He placed stones to divert the water to the field. He then laid his body across the canal and thus half the flow of water entered the field. Even by sunset, as Aruni did not return, Dhoumya went to his field and called him loudly. He feared a serpent might have bitten or a tiger might have attacked him. Hearing the Guru's voice, Aruni came out of the canal and bowed to the Guru, and stood near him Dhoumya embraced with pleasure and blessed him saying 'You will know all Vidyas. Go home get married and live happily'.
Dhoumya then said to Baid, `Go to the field, keep watch on the crop and when it is reaped, bring it hime. Baid accordingly went to the field, and kept the watch day and night. When the crop was reaped, a cart with one buffalo was given to him. Baid placed the corn in the cart, yoked the buffalo on one side of the yoke and he himself pulled the cart on the other side. He could not draw the cart with the buffalo, still he drew it with much strain. The buffalow got stuckup in the mud and could not go forward. So he alone drew the heavy cart. Subsequenly his neck was strangled and he had to face great strain. In the meantime, Dhoumya came there and released him from the yoke. He embraced Baid an said, `you know Vedas and Shastras well.'
The third disciple Upmanyu was fat and dull Dhoumya asked him to take the cattle for grazing the forest. Upmanyu took the cattle to graze. At times, being hungry he would return early from the forest. The Guru told him not to come from the forest till sunset.
The cattle would graze on the bank of a river Upmanyu would bathe, take alms from the Brahmins living nearby. Thus he satisfied his hunger. One day the Guru asked him, `How are you living?'
He said that he took alms and dined. Guru said, `How to you dine without us? Give the alms in the Ashram and again go to the forest.'
Upmanyu acted as directed by the Guru. He would give the alms in the Ashram. But as he did not get full meals at the Ashram he again took alms from some Brahmin houses and satisfied his hunger. When the Guru knew this. He angrily said, `Give both the alms in the Ashram.'
As directed, he gave both the alms in the Ashram. Hee was anxious now how to satisfy his hunger. He saw calves drinking milk of cows and much milk fell on the ground and was wasted. He held that milk in his hands and drank it.
After some days the Guru asked him how he was fat, He said that he drank the milk that fell while the calvees drank the milk from the cows. The guru said, `you should not drink milk tasted by calves as this milk makes you dill.'
While remaining in the forest, he saw milk like pastee coming out of the "rui" plant. He held the milk in leaves and while hee was drinking it, some drops thereof entered his eyes. Subsequently hee lost his eye-sight and became blind. Now he thought the Guru would be angry with him. He began to collect the cattle; but as he could not see, he fell in a well.
When Dhoumys knew that Upmanyu did not return by the evening, hee went to the forest and called him loudly. Upmanyu responded from the well and informed him about his wehreabouts.
Dhoumya came near the well and said to him with sympathy `Recitee Ashwinikumar mantra'. After doing that, he got back his eye-sight. He came out of the well, bowed to his Guru and stood by him. Dhoumya placed his palm on his head and instantly he had all thee knowledge. Dhoumya said to him, "Go home, get married and live happily. You will be wellknown. One of your disciples, Uttank will bring Kundal (ear ornament) and win the Shesh. He will advise King Janme jaya to perform sacrifice of the serpents and kill all the serpents in the sacrifice"
As stated, Uttank caused Janmejaya to perform the sacrifice in which even Indra had to come down along with Takshak (the king of serpents). This is all due to the greatness of Guru. He will liberate you. You should try to please him.
The Brahmin said, `gurudeo, you have given me thee right advice. As I have offended my Guru, how can I please him now? It is very difficult to appease the wounded heart. I would, therefore, leave this worthless body of mine,' saying this, he bowwed to Shri Guru. Shri Guru realised his repentence and knowing his desires, Shri Guru said, `All your sins are wiped off now. Remember your Guru.'
The Brahmin folded his hands and prayed, `You are the Guru of all the world and incarnation of three great Gods. How can there be darkness after the rise of the Sun? You please protect me.'
Hearing this Shri Guru was kind to place his right palm on his head and instantly he had knowledge of Vedas, Shastras, Mantras etc. By the touch of the philosophers's stone, iron is changed into goid, similarly the Brahmin became learned. Shri Guru again asked him to go to his Guru.
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